Visitor comms workflow

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A likely workflow for new visitors to RML to ensure we give them the information they need and hopfully increase engagement

This will be, in part, driven by the admin system and getting them to enter their email address when they visit Littlehouse.

Before first visit

If contacting through contact form we respond to their query but ensure we link to

We include that page so that:

  • We're sure they've got everything they need to visit and we don't miss something
  • It makes our replies easier/ quicker

Side note: Currently Ian, Andres and Andy do these emails but I'd like all admins to join that rota.

It's not particularly arduous, less so with more people and gets use all more involved.

At first visit

We offer them the chance to get more info. "Thanks for coming along, as you can see we're pretty busy and we tend to forget some information. If you join our system you'll get a one time only email with some more information you may find useful on it"

This is scripted to be sent automatically to all new users on their first sign in and include links to members notes, bank details for standing order, how to communicate etc (need to define)

Second Visit

  • They're now full member and we need them signing in when they visit.
  • The then go onto our mailing list
  • We remove members who are inactive for ?? 6/12 Months?


  • There's a question here of how to prevent them getting the 'first visit' email if they only sign in on the second visit
    • Though I'm not sure it matters that much or they shouldn't