Bee Foundation Sheets
On 10th June 2023 Andy left Ham fair to go to the Open day for Twickenhan and Thames Valley Beekeeper's Association
There they make Foundation Sheets with a rolling press but it's no longer possible to buy the plastic dies that are key to this process and it's possible we can help create some more.
Whilst othere methods exist, down below, it would be nice to help preserve this one if possible.
But first some background. N.B. I'm hopefully getting some photos that may make this all a lot clearer
Foundation Sheets
These are (dimensions) sheets of beeswax with a hexagon pattern that are used in new hives to help the bees form an ordered network of cells. The hexagon pattern is 3D and is has two sized (5.2 or 5.3mm) for European bees and (need to confirm) size for Asian bees
Some photos of (the removed excess of) the formation sheet. Note the 3D hexagon patter and the classic 3D cube formed when held up to the light as the indent of from one side indexes with the peak of the other side
Herring Foundation Press
Note: I'm a little unclear but believe the SP78 Press is the dies together, rather than the roller. Thoughts please once the original intructions are posted?
This is a Manual rolling press/ wringer that takes a Flat Foundation Former and rolls it between 2 plastic dies to form a Foundation Sheet created by H.T. Herring & Sons of Hampshire
I have some photos of the original instructions but am just waiting for permission from the owner before posting but the late David Cushman transcribed part of them on his website
This takes smooth sheets of
The plastic dies
These are flexible sheets with a 3d hexagon pattern on them, made of a hard plastic that is flexible enough to gently bend through the roller
Flat Foundation Former
Thes are the smooth beeswax blanks pre-rolling into foundation sheets
There are instructions on the
But on the day, we think they were formed by:
- Plywood boards were soaked - They were then dipped 3 times in hot recycled bee wax - Then dipped back in the water to remove the sheets from either side of the board - Then rolled twice between the forms - Then cut to size for the frames - Then the wire laced between 2 sheets of wax to attach to the fram
Possible Methods for creating new Dies
It would seem that making a mould might be the best way. Though you would only be able to so this for dies you have
Other methods for creating Foundation Sheets
To getting Foundation Sheets from internet research
[Thorne] produce sheets for purchase and, when this page is improved, I may contact them for advice.
Silicone Molds
3d prints
- - -
Lastly [whole bee box]