Coronavirus Links

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Purpose: Collating information of where NHS can get help, what makers are doing, and how they can help.

We're in Richmond-upon-Thames, London, so may be focussed around us/ UK


These sites are trying to link makers to NHS workers, or are funding schemes to donate to Please do your own diligence to verify they're legitimate and use our contact form ( to let us know if one should be added/ removed

Sites helping NHS

These UK Schemes are trying to get face shields to NHS workers

We appreciate that trust in schemes is paramount, so have included BBC links to both groups

You may also want to check the 'places to donate to' section on that page, in case those schemes announce how to get in touch.

Offering help as a maker?

Want to Make Facemasks/ 3dprint things?

International - looks to be America only on first glance.

Places to donate to

For Makers

Maker interest groups


There are hundreds of designs/ remixes out there but these are the ones we think have the most traction

Aerosolbox design

Sewing Masks - a comparison of designs

Respirator - Early days but may be worth keeping an eye on


Not touching these as beyond our capabilities to advise


  • There are groups trying to scale to produce equipment who will need materials and some already have waiting times.
    • Many plastics in short supply in UK
  • Please consider not causing a shortage for others, if you don't have a specific use identified

Medical Contacts - Richmond Specific - Local GPs - Hospitals