Ian M's Adventures in CNC
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A friend recently acquired an older Mostics 3018 Pro CNC machine, with the optional 5.5W blue diode laser module, and the standalone controller. [[1]] aren't particularly helpful for support as they purge old product pages from their site, and don't offer any support except through Facebook! Fortunately its a direct knockoff of the Sainsmart [3018 Pro CNC], and Sainsmart are much more customer/user friendly.
Not wanting to spend £££ on commercial CAD software and path to G-Code plugins, I've been learning G-code and investigating FOSS and freeware options to drive it.
Useful links
- https://wiki.richmondmakerlabs.uk/index.php/CncMill - OpenBuilds Platemaker, in the cloakroom
- https://wiki.richmondmakerlabs.uk/index.php/Rewiring_the_CNC - (3 years ago, work by Ian B and Andy)
- https://wiki.richmondmakerlabs.uk/index.php/Andy%27s_Adventures_in_CNC
3018 Specific
CNC Software
- [[2]] - A summary of available software from the (defunct) Shapoko wiki.